All right this first one is about screening lab and radiology panels for trauma patients uh it says it in the title low utility and are not cost effective i love papers that give you the answer in the title that way you don't have to read the paper but every one of these papers that's that looks at this comes up with the same conclusion this idea of doing these trauma panels where you're doing automatically you do a chess x-ray and then you do a pelvis x-ray and then you do all of these blood tests and looking for and then you do coagulation panel every study that looked at this basically says that's not a good use of uh resources and that you ought to do it on a more selective version you know when the atls first came out you know i don't think the surgeons when they developed and trusted the er docs at all and said here just do all these tests because we don't have any faith in your judgment whatsoever so do the whole thing and just and throw the net out there but this base basically is another typical paper here on hospital review of 304 thousand tests and and 410 patients they looked about half a million dollars and basically concluded that selective testing would have saved this one hospital one and a half million dollars i don't know whether that's costs or charges but all of them basically are the same when they look at these studies that actually change what you do very very few of them uh really matter and like even even uh even things that are routinely abnormal like you know you do a trauma case and potassium comes back 3.2 or something to that...
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What you should know about Printable Medical Consent Form for Minor While Parents are Away
- Provides emergency medical consent for minors
- Contains parent/guardian contact information
- Specifies child's medical record number and allergies
Award-winning PDF software
How to prepare Printable Medical Consent Form for Minor While Parents are Away
About Emergency Medical Consent Form 2010
The Emergency Medical Consent Form 2024 is a legal document that gives permission to medical professionals to administer emergency care to minors or individuals who are not able to give consent for themselves. This form typically contains information about the individual's medical history, allergies, and emergency contact information. It is necessary for individuals who have dependent children or elderly parents who they are responsible for, individuals as well as adults who are unable to make medical decisions due to a medical condition such as dementia, stroke, or a mental illness. This form can also be required by schools, sports teams, and summer camps for participants to have on file in case of emergencies.